How violent are you?

Violence is awry and there was even more violence back in the middle-ages. World peace is the dream of many. But it is impossible or close to impossible.

Through there are peaceful, non-violent people out there. Are you one of those people? Are you a violent person instead? Are you somewhere in the middle? Find out now.

Created by: jklollercop
  1. How often do you beat people up?
  2. Why do you beat people up?
  3. What would it take for you to physically harm another person?
  4. Are you homicidal?
  5. What do you think of violence?
  6. How do you feel about violence in movies, shows, and video games?
  7. Would you have get a job as a UFC fighter, wrestler, mixed martial artist, etc.?
  8. If you just beat someone up, how would you feel?
  9. Are you often fustrated, angry, etc.?
  10. If someone pisses you off what are you more likely to do?

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Quiz topic: How violent am I?