How Tolerable Are You?

How Tolerable Are You? How much can people tolerate you? Are you the lovable type or the opposite? Do people want to be friends with you or do they want to run away from you?

Find out the answers to all your questions through this quiz by Zia. See where you need to improve to make yourself a better person, and more likeable by all.

Created by: Zia

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you lose your patience very quickly?
  2. Do you get frustrated when something you are trying to do doesn't come out as you thought?
  3. Do you tend to shout at the people around you although you are angry at someone/something else?
  4. Do you try to calm yourself and others down even under great pressure and tension?
  5. Do you often talk stuff that nobody understands(because Either they are super genius or super dumb)?
  6. Is there some behavioral/ideological disparity between you and your friends/people around you?
  7. Do you only like to talk about topics of your interest, not taking into account others' like/dislikes/views?
  8. Are you good at/do you enjoy teamwork?
  9. How much do you think you are tolerable? (No effect)
  10. Please rate and comment and check out my other quizzes as well! Ciao!(No effect)

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Quiz topic: How Tolerable am I?