how stupid r u??

this quiz is to see if your stupid or not just anwser 12 questions and you will have your results and then you can see if you are dumb or not. but if your taking this quiz you must be stupid and if you want me to i will make a different quiz

this quiz is to see if your stupid or not just answer 12 quiestios and you will have your results and then you can see if you are dumb or not. but if your taking this quiz you must be stupid and if you want me to i will make a different quiz

Created by: randie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is 2+2=???
  2. ur teacher hands u ur test and on the test is has an *A*. What do u do =
  3. there is a serial killer outside what do u do
  4. what color is your eyes
  5. when a guy walks up to u what do u do
  6. do u think kevin jonas is a =
  7. if a guy ever says " i have my library card and im checking u out"what would u say
  8. are you stupid
  9. what is the biggest objects out of all of these
  10. did u like this quiz if u chose 3 then well i might think about it but if u r a boy then NO!!! unless u r nick or joe jonas

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