how strong you are?

So many people is thinkin about how strong they are, how strong is the character, some people want cry inside because can not do nothing in this horibal world

Do you want to check your self in just a few minuts how strong you are? thanks every one for join this quiz, some bquestion can be funny, dont worry few minuts will find out

Created by: UB888
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. did you think how strong you are? who come with Eva on beginin the world?
  2. woke up? where you goin?
  3. wat the job is best for you?
  4. ok, now think what man is doin in the kitchen?
  5. wat you can tell about your self?
  6. what colour do you like?
  7. where is most people with dark skin?
  8. what is the best time in life?
  9. what you goin do if i will give you 250 tys euro?
  10. do you proud with your self?

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