How stereotypically misanthropic are you?

You probably already know how you feel about other people--whether they're loved ones or strangers--or if a phrase like "loved ones" even scans for you--but how do you rank up against others? Do you admire Scooge and Oscar the Grouch? Do you believe that all people are essentially good and that only the stresses of modern living have corrupted them?

This quiz is a highly unscientific smattering of opinions to quantify your "works and plays well with others" factor, no matter who you be, from hippie to hater. Enjoy

Created by: Gordon Geise
  1. Do you live alone?
  2. How many family members do you communicate with at least monthly?
  3. How many individual unrelated persons do you consider your friends and communicate with at least monthly?
  4. Do you agree with Ebenezer Scrooge that poor folk who would rather die than go to a work farm "had better do it and decrease the surplus population?"
  5. Do you ever say hello to strangers?
  6. Have you ever fantasized about killing someone?
  7. Have you ever had a dream in which you had murdered someone?
  8. Do you believe the earth would be better off after global warming, nuclear annihilation, or comet strike causes the next mass extinction?
  9. Which statement rings truest to you?
  10. Do you go to restaurants, bars, movies, etc. by yourself?
  11. Have you ever chased anyone off your property?
  12. Of the following, which movie character do you identify with most?
  13. What's your take on coitus?
  14. What's your take on Charles Manson?
  15. Which director best captures your world view?
  16. People basically are:
  17. Children...
  18. What is the One Great Truth?

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Quiz topic: How stereotypically misanthropic am I?