How Similar Are We?

I was bored one night and I decided to try making my own quiz. I suppose this will be my new night pass time. I'll upload some quality quizzes soon, this was merely a test. I hope I can help your bordom.

So, are we alike in very few irrelevant, unspecific ways? Let's find out as you test my very first sub par quiz! Are you ready? I sure am; are you my clone, or my polar opposite... Let's find out.

Created by: happy1465

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What's your favourite instrument?
  3. Which do you think you are?
  4. Now which do people say you are?
  5. Rate your life on a 1-5 scale.
  6. What is your favourite food style?
  7. Which is most appealing?
  8. Speaking of sleeping, how much do you get a week?
  9. Are you an indoors or outdoors person?
  10. Do you like a 12+ question quiz? If not, finish the quiz now and your results will be based on those previously chosen. This affects score.
  11. Now for some fun questions. Someone you know is hanging on to the edge of a cliff, about to fall. What do you do?
  12. Depression has stolen one of your friends. How would you "help"?
  13. You're moving and you consider a place with water (yeah, you're probably not that bright if you're proud you know what I'm asking). What is the body of water?
  14. You write an angry letter addressed to someone you dislike, initially not intending to send it. How do you dispose of it?
  15. Which is your favorite gemstone? Click next to view the next page and have no score effect for this question. Your next options are: Agate, Critine, Topaz, Turquoise, Quartz, Emerald.
  16. Hi. I am a filler man dude guy thing. Bye.
  17. How socially bold are you?
  18. Did you notice an inconsistency in my grammar?

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