How rich will you be?

My quiz is will love will take it again and will never stop.Test to seee if you are a hobo or a millionare.This is weird but take it any way for marvolous fun.

Here are what others said:I love this quiz im so glad i took it i cant wait to be rich im gonna work harder to not be a hobo i got to do the best i can thank you keesha

Created by: talia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. were you ever in trouble?
  2. did you ever get a D or lower in school?
  3. did you have a bad childhood thing happen such as adoption?
  4. how many siblings you got?
  5. are you laughed at a lot
  6. do u have depression?
  7. have you ever ate underware?
  8. who is better?
  9. who is better?
  10. Im 25 and hot and a girl named keesha will u mary me.

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Quiz topic: How rich will I be?