How Racist Are You?

Racism is judging someone by their ethnicity, something that is truly wrong and unwanted. Unsurprisingly, most people are against racists. However, there are a few who aren't...

But...are YOU racist? Did it ever cross your mind? Even once? If it did, then take this quiz and see just how racist you really just might be surprised.

Created by: Trevor

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you wear pointy white hats?
  2. Do you sometimes walk with your right hand raised up?
  3. Do you make racist jokes about a race that you are not?
  4. Do you call people racist names?
  5. What do you call Mexican immigrants?
  6. What do you think of Adolf Hitler?
  7. Martin Luther King Day to you is...
  8. Do you own a Confederate flag?
  9. Do you burn crosses?
  10. Where do you live?
  11. Most importantly, do YOU think you are racist?

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Quiz topic: How Racist am I?