How Pretty Are You?

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Hi. So, a lot of people don't have good self esteem. So I made this quiz to try and help. I hope this makes your day better and helps you realize you are worth it!

Do you think you are pretty? Many wonder what others believe. I believe everyone is pretty or handsome, no matter their size, shape, age, or color because we are all equal.

Created by: Caelin
  1. What do you consider yourself?
  2. Do you think you are pretty?
  3. How much do you weigh?
  4. Are you confident?
  5. What is your skin like?
  6. What is your favorite part about yourself?
  7. What color are your eyes?
  8. What color is your hair?
  9. How old are you?
  10. You are pretty!

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Quiz topic: How Pretty am I?