How Nice Are You?

Have you ever wanted to know how nice you are to people? Well, have you? If you do you should totally take this quiz/test! Don't be shy, it's only a small quiz.

~~INFORMATION~~ 1-10 questions This is my first quiz Made- 2-4-15 Took 1 hour 23 minutes This is not meant to be offensive 1 answer quiz Thanks

Created by: CosmicBanana
  1. Do you care if people think your nice?
  2. What if a guy/girl asked for a piece of paper? What would you say?
  3. Donate to charity?
  4. Give a hobo a dollar?
  5. Your friend asks can I have a soda?
  6. Help your friend with his homework? If you do you will get into BIG trouble because you didn't do yours.
  7. Did you like this quiz?
  8. Pick a number
  9. Thanks for taking this quiz
  10. Is this the last question?

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Quiz topic: How Nice am I?