How much s--- can you put up with?

How much stuff can you take from other people? Take this BS quiz and release your inner child. Good BS is hard to find... and sometimes difficult to put up with take this short quiz to find out how much you can really put up with.

Good BS is hard to find... and sometimes difficult to put up with take this short quiz to find out how much you can really put up with. How much stuff can you take from other people? Take this BS quiz and release your inner child.

Created by: Trey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When your Wal-mart cashier closes his /her checklane after you have been in line for over five minutes you...
  2. You have driven your car to the shop to get it fixed. Before you arrive you are pulled over by a gentleman of the law. You instinctively...
  3. You have driven your car to the shop to get it fixed. Before you arrive you are pulled over by a gentleman of the law. You instinctively...
  4. The ice is out at the local McDonalds. When you press your cup below your favorite beverage, water comes out. You...
  5. Three hours into a book the speaking character dies, and the rest of the book is written in third person, You
  6. Are you a happy person?
  7. Department store doesn't carry your size, You
  8. I have...
  9. My middle name is...
  10. Did you enjoy my quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much s--- can I put up with?