How much of a train addict are you

A train watcher is someone who watches trains for a hobby. Some of them think it is just fun to relax and watch trains at your favorite site while others treat it like a religion!

Do You like trains if so, complete this quiz to find out how much you like trains. Are you a total obssesionist or more a spare time train watcher. Find out right now!

Created by: Shaun Sager
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many trains have you seen in the past year?
  2. How many times do you go train watching a week?
  3. What is the highest number of trains you've seen in one day?
  4. How long do you typicaly spend at a place that has trains?
  5. What is your job like?
  6. Would you rather win a billion dollars or watch trains for 4 days straight?
  7. On a scale of 1-10 how much would you say you like trains?
  8. What is the biggest railroad in the U.S.
  9. Do you wait for every train you see at the crossing
  10. If all the trains in the world dissappeared what would you do?
  11. Would you consider train watching a cerimony or a religion
  12. Do you like this quiz
  13. Are you going to watch trains after this?
  14. What is your favorite food?
  15. What type of House do you live in?
  16. In your lifetime how many trains have you seen?
  17. If your wife/ children / Mom or Dad were hit by a train what would your reaction be?
  18. Is your family sick and tired of trains?
  19. How manytrains magazines do yuo own?
  20. What's your favorite train type?
  21. What is your record amount of train cars on a train?
  22. What does CSX stand for?
  23. What was the average obbsesion result for your family?
  24. Approximatly how many miles of track does union pacific own, counting sidings and yards?
  25. What question number is this?
  26. what percent number would you say you are obbsessed?
  27. what do you do when you see a model train sitting on a podium.
  28. what the longest straight you've ever watched trains?
  29. have you ever been in a relationship
  31. Exactly how many train cars have you seen in your life.
  32. If someone says your deathly obbsessed with trains , what do you do?
  33. What is 7 x 7?
  34. How close is your house to a train line?
  35. If you won 1 million dollars what would you spend it on?
  36. Where are you on the social pyramid in your community?
  37. How many dreams a month do you have that have trains in them on average

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Quiz topic: How much of a train addict am I