How much like me are you?

There are many cool people... some emo, goth, hip, rad, and a bunch of other words I can't come up with. But are you the definition of cool? As in... are you like me? (If that sentence got you miffed, then yeah, you are a little bit like me.)

I at first typed a bunch of periods, but then it said "Paragraph 2 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters" To which I mentally replied... what the hell.

Created by: katanasky

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your style?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. What's your music type?
  4. What are your friends like?
  5. What is your favorite song out of these?
  6. What kind of kid are you?
  7. How good are you at fighting?
  8. ...
  9. Do you like me?
  10. Spock is...
  11. Bye. I can't believe you actually took this.

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Quiz topic: How much like me am I?