How Much Like Me Are You?

Me. Well, For Starters, I Am A Very Strange Person. I Like Dragons, Big Windows And Mountains. People Give Me Weird Looks In The School Hallway. What About You?

Have You Ever Wondered How Alike You Are To Me? Of Course Not. Unless Of Course, You Are One Of My Friends, In Which Case, You Should Already Know. Well, Now You Can Wonder Away, Because This Quiz Is Going To Tell You.

Created by: DragonKitty

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What Are Your Favourite Colours?
  2. What Is Your Personality?
  3. How Many Good Friends Do You Have?
  4. What Are Your Grades Like? (Mostly)
  5. How Much Do You Like To Read?
  6. How Much Do You Love Technology?
  7. On A Scale Of 1-10, 10 Being The Highest, How Wierd Are You?
  8. Do You Have A Unique Religion?
  9. Do You Believe In Gay Rights?
  10. Do You Like To Travel?
  11. What Is Your Favourite Subject/s?
  12. Do People Think You're Goth?
  13. Do You Hate Writing?
  14. Are You A Cat Or Dog Person?

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Quiz topic: How Much Like Me am I?