how much do you like bananas?

Bananas are extremely yellow but not quite. i think that you should like bananas as much as i do which is a whole bunch get it BUNCH as in a bunch of bananas i am so funny......

BANANAS ROCK SO MUCH! they rock more than a rock band so Ha in your face!bananas will rule the world some day so you must learn to like bananas ok cause if you don't i will eat you.

Created by: banana+skittles
  1. What is your age?
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  1. do you like waffles
  2. do you like pancakes?
  3. do you like french toast?
  4. pick one QUICK
  6. pick one
  7. hyuo;iyhui;hy
  8. tyfftgcdjfrdjtgdktugfrtsdr
  9. yugyugyugugyugyukgyuggug
  10. yuf ykftyftygrfyth
  11. jkzdfbuf;ri

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Quiz topic: How much do I like bananas?