How much do you know me? (Friends only)

This is about me, so mostly only my friends will be takeing this i guess..I'm bord so i create quizzes...Mostly for Taylor to take!!!!! Yaaay!!!......

I dunno what else to put!.....-sings the doom song- Yaaay DOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!! Why do i half to Put more many words!! Final Fantasy. 8D ...

Created by: ExSOLDIER

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old am'I?
  2. What is my eye color?
  3. What is my Natural Hair color?
  4. What is the first Final Fantasy i ever payed?
  5. How tall am'I?
  6. What is the first Video game system i ever had?
  7. Where do i live?
  8. What am'I afraid of?
  9. How old is my brother?
  10. Who do i hate most?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know me? (Friends only)