How much do you know about same sex relations?

Many people have already passed a judgement on homosexuals, but how many have done this without a real knowledge of homosexuality? This quiz aims to find out whether or not you really know what you think you know.

Don't worry, all of the material in this quiz is purely scientific and there's not any emotional hullabaloo. Hopefully you will come away from this quiz with (if nothing else...) a fun fact or two.

Created by: Allie of "Much Ado About [Knowing] Nothing"
(your link here more info)
  1. Why does someone become homosexual?
  2. Which Christian saint was the first to vehemently oppose homosexuality and when.
  3. True or False: Humans are the only species of animal to practice same-sex relations.
  4. True or false: The brain anatomy in homosexual men is different than the brain of heterosexual men.
  5. Which groups of people/which people are not known to have practiced homosexuality?
  6. Who first classified homosexuality as a mental illness?
  7. When did the American Psychiatric Association decide to stop classifying homosexuality as a mental illness?
  8. Which of these myths and stereotypes is true?
  9. True or False: Changing an individual's sexual orientation through treatment is possible.
  10. True or False: All lesbians just need to have sex with a man and they will realize they are not homosexual.
  11. True or False: Most same sex couples create husband and wife roles for each partner.
  12. I didn't create this quiz to enflame anyone. I merely wanted to get information into the public that few know. All the material in this quiz is true and comes from sources that I tried to cite for your benefit. If you have a problem with this quiz, feel free to email me at [no emails]. In the meantime, please answer this last question for me. Thank you! (I have to choose a correct answer, but there really is none, don't worry :) )

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about same sex relations?