how much do you know about me and icy

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this is a quiz to see if you know about me and icy i just got an account so you probably dont know anything about me but this was so you could learn about me!

or do you know about me that is the question so find out about me if i get 70 people that get 100% ill do anything of your choice just tell me through youtube its Suki Stone the one with the pic of the little girl it was my channel from when i was littler i upload my younger videos as much as possible

Created by: Sierra and Icy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is my name? (first question to me)
  2. what are our genders (Icy And Sierra oh Icy Is Asking This One)
  3. Are Me And Icy Dating
  4. this isnt a question just here is what we look like Me:[no urls] on the left Icy:[no urls]
  5. freebie
  6. is icy from hetalia?
  7. let fate decide
  8. do you think your gonna get the quiz right?
  9. another freebie cuz i love you
  10. did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about me and icy