How much do you know about me?

Lets seeeeeeeee if you people really know me!!!!!!!!! cause if you don't that's cool, I don't need a dang stalker person around me anytime, so just do your thing

don't stalk me ok? Or do not my problem if you want to, I know im hot but come one lol whatever, so yeah have fun with this stpid quiz that I made, it sucks

Created by: hellwontfade
  1. whats my favorite color
  2. my favorite band from these
  3. favorite animal
  4. do I read
  5. which way do I swing
  6. am I cool
  7. do I do drugs
  8. do I have freinds
  9. am I a boy or girl
  10. do I hate dogs

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about me?