How much do you know about me?

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Notice:This quiz was made for fun there for I made random questions.xD Hoope you enjoy it! Grrr, I need sugar...Pie, Apples cider, This Is Halloween. Warriors..

A SECOND PARAGRAPH!? No! Never! Never ever ever ever ever ever will you get a second paragraph! I am Heather the anime fangirl, Idk I am random!:DDDDD

Created by: Hephaestuschild

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my full name?
  2. Do I sleep with a stuffed animal, and if so, what's its species and name?
  3. Blah blah blah blah
  4. My hair color is-
  5. I have a pet kitten named
  6. I love which of the following?
  7. I'm out of questions.....
  8. I am-
  9. My catch phrase
  10. I'm sooo stupid

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about me?