How much do you know about me??

Do you REALLY know me?:) Find out now with my insanely amazing quiz:D Don't be too upset if you don't get a high score; I'm a very unique person:) I'll be happy if you get one question right:D And I'll be happier if you don't get any right, cuz you obviously know me very well and clicked all the wrong answers on purpose!!! XD jk jk Enjoy the quiz!!!:D

Lalalalala...I think Rebecca Black is SO super-annoying and she really canNOT sing!!! Not that I hate her, but she is really obnoxious!!!:P Guess what happened yesterday?? I called JB gay, then he slapped me with his purse!!! LOLOLOLOL I found that joke online last week and it made me LOL Enjoy the quiz!!!:D

Created by: glitterchick97
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. What are my favorite kind of shoes?
  3. What color is my hair?
  4. What color are my eyes? FYI I don't have contacts:)
  5. What is my height?
  6. What is my weight?
  7. What's my real name?
  8. How old am I?
  9. When is my B-day?
  10. What's my favorite outfit?
  11. Who's my favorite professional football team?
  12. Do I like the Dallas Cowboys?
  13. Where do I live?
  14. What are my favorite things?
  15. How many siblings do I have?
  16. Who are my favorite singers/bands?
  17. (no effect) okay the quiz is over:) I don't expect you to get a very high score cuz these are random questions and I haven't said much about myself here:) I hope you enjoyed the quiz and get a good score:P Please try out some of my other quizzes too, just click on my name when you're done:D And don't forget to comment and rate please!!! :D

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about me??