How Much Do You Hate One Direction

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This for the haters and the lovers of One Direction. Dont mind what others say chose your stance and be happy about it. Im a felloe hater but dont worry i dont judge.

Do you like or hate One Direction? I wonder? This quiz helps you find your true side. Love or hate you chose! Be confident on your choice! Good Luck!

Created by: Senthil_Krishna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If One Direction came to your house you would...
  2. If you were called up durning a concert and they ask you what you like about them you say...
  3. Do you feel that they are everywhere?
  4. If you found them in a magazine you bought you would...
  5. If One Direction dies in a car crash you would...
  6. If you see them walking toward you you...
  7. If your friend starts singing a One Direction song you...
  8. When their song comes on the radio in your room you...
  9. If they acted in a movie and your best friend wants to watch it you...
  10. If you would date one of them
  11. I ___ One Direction

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Hate One Direction