how much do u like ur crush

How much do u like ur crush? This is a test to see how much u likebhim or her. You will be given questions . some domt affect your score.if you dont like ur result,deal with it!

ARE U OBSESSED? Do u just like ur crush for her looks? Do u love her for her personality? This is the test to find out. Its not that accurate but i tried

Created by: luis
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why do u like ur crush
  2. Do u get nervous when u talk to him or her
  3. Do u.......u know like......stalk her?
  4. Do u get jealoud when u see them with others
  5. If u knew how to play an instrument and u would sing to her, what song would u play
  6. Would u show off in front of them
  7. Would u tell ur freinds
  8. Are u glad this is almost over this does not affect the results
  9. Do u like coldplay. This does not affect ur results
  10. Which of the most

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