How Much Are You Like President Bush?

People have various perspectives on our President. Some like him, some love him, others detest him. A rocket scientist he's not, but give him his just due. He's been elected to the highest public office in the land TWICE! If he's not smart (and I'm not saying he is), he's at least got most of the public believing he's better than the alternatives!

Is there a "little George Bush" in you? The odds are there is. The question is how much. Are you up to the task? Are you ready to answer some challanging (and some not so cahllagning) questions? Let's see...

Created by: Nick

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. North Korea has reneaged once again on nuclear talks. Chief of State Kim Jong Il has stated they will never bow down to the Americans. To promote the resumption of nuclear negotiations you....
  2. Saddam beats the wrap and is acquitted of all charges. He is set free and calls for a new election. You....
  3. You find out that Max Baer Jr. (Jethro in the Beverly Hillbillies) is still alive and want him in your administration. You offer him....
  4. The movie "The Wizard of Oz" celebrates the 67th anniversary of its premier. You....
  5. Dick Cheney resigns due to poor health. You nominee for VP is....
  6. You find that the social security system will run out of funds before 2020 if congress votes to allow illegal alliens to access the funds. You....
  7. Pakistan has found the location of Osama. You...
  8. You have to make a command decision at the grocery store. What do you want your groceries packed in?
  9. Do you believe in God?
  10. You have a choice of what to watch on tv. You choose.....

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Quiz topic: How Much am I Like President Bush?