How much are you like my nan

There are many old people in the region of victoria but none like my nan, find out if you are a my nan. this test will tell you how great of a grandmother you are

are you my nan? you very well could be. after completeing this quiz you will be able to determine if you have a lifestyle equal to my nan. having 100% on this test would be very honourable.

Created by: jennel kennelhouse
  1. Do you drive a green pulsar?
  2. How fast do you go over speed bumps?
  3. do you live in dandy?
  4. How do you use your remote?
  5. How did you get your phone
  6. What is Her favourite thing to make
  7. whats a good present for your grand kids
  8. How much money do you spend a week
  9. Where do you get your clothes
  10. where does your best friend live

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Quiz topic: How much am I like my nan