What is your age? Under 18 Years Old 18 to 24 Years Old 25 to 30 Years Old 31 to 40 Years Old 41 to 50 Years Old 51 to 60 Years Old Over 60 Years Old What is your gender? Male Female Have you ever been in a fight? Yes No If so, how many fights have you been in? I already said none! 1 2 or 3 4 or so several, almost too many to count what, you wanna fight? Have you ever stolen somthing? Yes No Do you often lie? No, never. Well,.. sometimes.. Everybody lies... All the time.. You see an old woman trying to cross the street, you... Push granny into traffic... Help her, its the decent things to do.. Nothing,.. not your problem... SIt back and watch the horror unfold... Run her down.. Beep, becasue shes not moving fast enough You see someone at the grocery store drop some money without realizing it. You decide to.. Finders Keepers! Ignore it, its not really your concern. How much did you say? Give it back, you would want someone to do the same for you Give it back, only if their hot,... and I'm hopeful ;) Your date has severly over did it, and you find yourselves alone with them passed out, you decide to,.. Leave em Take advantage of them Draw funny faces on them and take pictures Stay with them, and make sure they are okay Of the following occupations the one you would most aspire to be is... Doctor Lawyer Pimp GarbageMan Sales Representative Professional Athlete What is the worst thing you believe a person can do?... Lie Cheat Steal Be Unfaithful Kill Kick Babies Your walking all alone in the park, when you come across a baby all by itself on the ground,.. you decide to... Keep walking... Try and find its parents... Kick it! I've always wanted a child... I'm actaully kind of hungry... The awnsers to a test are written on the desk you are taking it at. You notice them and decide to... Tell the teacher before the test is handed out. Hey, it must be divine intervention. Just look at the ones you need. Just ignore it, its not your problem. The following statement best describes my feelings on Gambling Its all good, as long as its strip poker :) Don't care Come on 7!!! I suppose its alright Gambling is wrong A little blackjack never hurt anyone A friend of yours robs a bank, and gets away with it. Later you discover police have arrested someone else and think they did it. You decide its time to... Look out for your buddy, and keep your mouth shut Well, it depends,.. are they offering a reward yet? It's time to come clean... Hey, its not my job, thats what they pay the police for right? Can you say Blackmail? Convince your friend to turn himself in. You think hitting golf balls into an apartment complex area is... Funny Childish Get the camera! Call the police! hey, watch what I send back your way! Your shopping for a valentines day gift for your significant other,.. you decide to get... Chocolates Flowers Stuffed Animal The kinkiest lingerie you can find Tickets to an event you will both enjoy Something you can both take advantage of,... a prostitute for the evening A drunk bar patron bumps into you and then demands your apology with a shove. having one of your friends there with you, you decide.. Apologize, by breaking a bottle over their head Just ignore them, maybe they will go away.. Hey, where's the bouncer around here? Offer an apology to shut them up Its time to leave Its always fun to beat on someone when the odds are in your favor As far as driving drunk goes... I have not, and never will... Well,.. there was this ONE time... Hey, everybody does it right? Define Drunk? Hey, It's no big deal, I'll be fine I'm a designated driver A fast food worker messes up your order going through the drive through. You decide its time to.. Forget it, I got what I paid for Go back and inform them of the error and ask for the item replaced correctly Demand a whole new meal, I mean come one,.. now the fries are gonna be cold by the time they finish fixing my sandwich Insult the intelligence of the worker, and speed away Nothing, the place will be there later tonight, and its flamable anytime of day If you had to join the military, it would be to do what? Something related to Communications Something in the medicinal field An Engineer to build stuff To Kill!!! An Aviator. Draft Dodger for life baby! You see a beautiful woman/man (depenmding) riding a horse, and are immediately turned on. Of course you are fantasizing about... The Rider The Horse The horse riding the rider A Beastiality 3 way What are you talking about? Since were on the subject, whats your favoritre adult film title? Debbie Does Dallas It takes Three Gang Bangs O Plenty No Girls Allowed No Boys Allowed I don't watch Adult Films Right before you go to bed at night, you pray for... Your Family Yourself Your Friends Things you want to have happen People you wish would drop dead of disease You don't pray,.. The kind of movies I am into better... Have some Action Have some Mystery Have some Nudity Not be Chick flics Have some Drama Have some Suspense The greatest thing you can do with your feet is... Run Play Soccer Kick Babies! walk through grass barefoot can you say foot fetish? stay off em You see your significant other checking out someone else at a party, so you decide to... Question them about it, and cause a scene Slap that hoe! They know better! Who cares what they look at as long as they eat at home Go over and slap the person they are checking out Huh, sorry you didn't notice, you were to busy scamming on something yourself Leave them at the party with out a ride home The most influencial document of all time to me is... The Bible The Phone Book The Koran PlayBoy The instruction manual for the Remote Can't Read Someone asks you to do them a favor,.. you.. Get it done right away You take care of it, but when you have time Is this a sexual favor? The speed of complettion is directly praportionate to the amount of money you will recieve if you know what I mean Tell them your busy Tell them you will, then you forget and say oops... You are at the end of this quiz, you are thinking... OK, so whats the awnser? I'm so ready to kick some babies! Damn, this was the greatest test of all time, I really think the person who wrote this is great Man, this test blew, I don't know about kicking babies, but I'd love to kick the person who wrote this atrocity Well, some of it was funny, but seriously, kicking babies is wrong Wait, what was this test for again?