How long would you survive in I am legend

Welcome guys. have you ever wondered how long you would survive in a zombie apocalypse? i took the test myself and would last about a year remember this test is not a measure of bravery or loyalty but a measure of wits

Are you clever enough to survive through this no matter what you are boy,girl,or somthing inbetween you can always go far if you are clever enough remember that

Created by: Isa
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you realize the end is beggining what do you do............?
  2. you have run out of food and need some more urgently. but first you go to a gun shop what do you pick up.................?
  3. once you got food and ammo you need transport since they are all zombies they wont need it what do you pick..............?
  4. soon you reach a safe zone but the virus has reached there too you need to pick up some people but there are only three seats [unless you chose the boeing which means your DUMB]
  5. alright you have miraculously escaped even if you think youre funny and chose zombie but now you must find a safe zone to camp until the virus dies out you choose...............?
  6. you and your chosen companions soon develop roles to survive what is yours..............?
  7. you go out for a jog in the morning but when you come back you see from far a zombie crawling into the house what do you do...........?
  8. now you have realized the once you kill it you are being chased by them and you go to the nearest airport,dock and military vehcile training centre what vehcile do you take.............?
  9. once you get away from new york you stumble upon a secret base where the remainig people are formulating an antidote they see you walking in out of the dust. gun in your hand ,sunglasses, cap flipped backwards.what is the coolest thing you can say [or do]
  10. Finally the antidote has been deployed and you are a hero but one of the last few zombies to kill your best freind and you get to chose what is written on his/her grave. Here lies _______.......?

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