jenna is so cool. r u ???? this is a quiz that will tell u if u deserve to live on this planet. only few were born cool. these people are the more fortunte of the bunch. if u r not cool......too bad

do u deserve 2 live. are u cool at all.this quiz is the awnser to all of your not be offened if u r not as cool as jenna.not all people r that lucky

Created by: Jenna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. r u quiet or shy
  2. is ur brother a complete dork
  3. do people enjoy making fun of u
  4. do u laugh at the stupidist things
  5. r u in love with people named tori allie emily megan brona tequila jordana claire paige and caroline
  6. is ur fav show lost???
  7. did ur basketball team absolutly suck last year
  8. do u eat candy during french class cause ur teacher is a pushover
  9. do u enjoy 2 make fun of ur religion teacher
  10. is thier someone in ur class that is weird beyond belif

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