How is my IT Support Doing?

Here's a quick grading process based from performance metrics used by professional IT service departments and consultancies. IT resources in some businesses have a favorite technician they like to use, maybe they have a business owner provide the IT services, or they have hired an outside company to perform this work.

Use this test to get an idea of how your IT resources perform as they relate to peer standards in the industry. There are no right or wrong answers. The results will give you some insight into what you should expect from your IT professionals.

Created by: Wade Stewart of Stewart and Son Computer Services, LLC
(your link here more info)
  1. How responsive are your IT resources? When you call, email or text them, what is the average response time?
  2. How long does it take your computer workstation to start up in the morning?
  3. Are your computers, servers, network and internet access monitored 24X7?
  4. How often are Windows Updates performed?
  5. How often are Application (Adobe, Antivirus, other programs) Updates performed?
  6. Do you have regular backups?
  7. Are your backups regularly tested?
  8. Do you receive a report on what your IT person does for you regularly?
  9. Are your IT professionals friendly and helpful?
  10. Do you have a disaster recovery plan?

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