How Hungarian are you?

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I believe that true qualities of a nation's populations are the qualities that a foreigner can detect most easily. So as a foreigner that lived in Hungary for a year now, i made the quiz asking most basic qualities of hungarian people-

This quiz probably will tell you whether if you are making a hungarian that is an exception to what hungarians look like, or a real one. Or can also determine how capable you are to adapt into Hungarian everyday life.

Created by: Sina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you say "Három" in a day.
  2. You are home and some of your friends call you to say Három together to pass time, you...
  3. So how often do you take the villamos in a day?
  4. How old do you think the villamosok are?
  5. You are crossing the road and a person is coming towards you with a bike. You..
  6. How similar you feel you are to african americans?
  7. Are you proud of inventions of Hungarians in history?
  8. What do you think about the movie, 300 spartans?
  9. What would your parents do if they turn out to be home, when you brought someone to have sex with?
  10. Someone's payment for something wasn't received by your company and you have to take action,the guy tells you he did pay it already. you tell the guy,
  11. You are in the villamos and the ticket collector is trying to bill a guy for trying to ride the villamos without ticket. The guy starts shouting "Nem Jó" and big time argument pops up.
  12. What do you do when a foreigner asks you something that you don't understand?
  13. A foreigner accidentally gave you 10.000 HUF instead of 1000 HUF. You,
  14. You are to collect money for something from a group of people, a foreigner starts telling you something in English instead of handing over the money, it obviously looks like he is explaining something but you are hungarian so you don't speak english. Then he switches to Spanish, and german, and turkish, and italian, and various world languages, it is so obvious that what he's trying to tell is important, you

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Quiz topic: How Hungarian am I?