How Hubie Are You?

This quiz is 100% dedicated to Hubert James Kelley of Tekonsha MI. At the school he is the laughing stock of al unusual jokes. He is a tall, semi-smart kid. He act super retarded but he makes up for... NOT!

Are you 100% Hubie? The answer is probably not. No oe is an exact clone of Hubie (I hope). If anyone gets 100% on this quiz email me a screen shot (press "Print Screen) on your keyboard, Paste it in Paint, save nd send to) at You will be forever honored.

Created by: Ethan Stout
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have crooked pinkies?
  2. How good are you at Basketball?
  3. Do you live in town?
  4. Do you have any siblings?
  5. Do you have a crazy eye?
  6. Broken Glasses?
  7. Do you have a girlfriend?
  8. Hobbey Knees?
  9. What grade are you in?

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Quiz topic: How Hubie am I?