How hot are you???

Maybe some people have told you that you are beautiful, but do you have the strength to find out? Brace yourself for this quiz, prepare to find out if you could try harder, or if you are incredibly attractive.

Have you been wondering if YOU are really hot? This quiz will reveal the on the inside and out!!! So sit down, grab on to your weapon (the mouse) and click away!!!

Created by: BeyonceIsMe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi!
  2. What is your skin like?
  3. Your hair?
  4. Length?
  5. Color?
  6. What about your eyes?
  7. Are your eyes pretty?
  8. Which description matches your body type the most?
  9. Is your nose:
  10. What about your mouth?
  11. Your eyebrows are...
  12. What do you think you'll get?
  13. Thanks for taking this quiz! Please leave a comment!!!

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Quiz topic: How hot am I???