How Haughton are you?

There are a lot of people out ther who think they know everything about any city. They love to go around telling stuff that is no true. They love to talk dirt abou you or your city.

Do you know Haughton> Do you have the capability to know about haughton. Haughton is the best town in the whole entire world. Take this quiz to see if you are worhty enough to be a part of haughton.!

Created by: htown
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is Haughton's mascot?
  2. Who was Haughton's quaterback in 2010?
  3. Was Haughton District Champs in 2010?
  4. Haughton's football record is?
  5. What state is haughton in?
  6. Haughton is a ?
  7. Haughton is known for its?
  8. Pick a smilie? ( thes does not effect your score!!)
  9. Haughton's colors are?
  10. most of haughton loves the?

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Quiz topic: How Haughton am I?