How good are you at SMW hacking? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How good are you at SMW hacking?
Several of the questions (2, 10, 12, possibly 15, and 24) seemed to be deliberately worded in a misleading or vague way, so that you'd get different answers depending on how you read the question. And the accepted answer to question 25 is flat-out wrong. It doesn't say "what is the maximum echo delay a song can use without moving the echo buffer from the default", it says "what is the maximum echo delay a song can use", period. It also assumes you're using Addmusic 4.05 and not AddmusicM...althoug h considering it says "a CLEAN ROM", that could be taken as "without using any music-adding tool at all".
Pretty good quiz, I enjoyed it.
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