How good are you at SMW hacking? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How good are you at SMW hacking?

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  • Several of the questions (2, 10, 12, possibly 15, and 24) seemed to be deliberately worded in a misleading or vague way, so that you'd get different answers depending on how you read the question. And the accepted answer to question 25 is flat-out wrong. It doesn't say "what is the maximum echo delay a song can use without moving the echo buffer from the default", it says "what is the maximum echo delay a song can use", period. It also assumes you're using Addmusic 4.05 and not AddmusicM...althoug h considering it says "a CLEAN ROM", that could be taken as "without using any music-adding tool at all".

  • Pretty good quiz, I enjoyed it.


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