How good are you at cod zombies

theres some good players, and unfortunately there are some bad ones, are you a good player? theres only one way to find out: for you to take this test

if you can get a high enough score then youve proven to me that you are good enough to find out my xbox gamertag and we can play a game sometime. hopefully you have fun!

Created by: samrules4

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what do you do at round 1 on any map
  2. what do you do for rounds 2-4
  3. when you get to the box...
  4. when you get to the pack a punch
  5. dog round
  6. pentagon theif
  7. space monkeys
  8. cosmic silverback
  9. you just died
  10. did you like this test (will not affect your answer)

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Quiz topic: How good am I at cod zombies