How good a Bananist are you?

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There are few among us humans that have seen the true light, the light of Bananas. For those devoted followers known as Bananists, a difficult path lay ahead.

However, we the pillars of our faith, Archibananists, try to help newest members to find their way. So this quiz is a way to see how well you are doing, and if you are keeping your faith strong. Oh liolie ah kibelie.

Created by: TheTrickster96
  1. What is Bananism
  2. Who is Bananas?
  3. How often do you pray to Him?
  4. What is our Holy Communion? (θεία κοινωνία)
  5. Uh!
  6. Imagine you are walking in the dessert, lost, for days.Then for your great relief you see.
  7. Living on top of a banana tree, eating only bananas. You find this:
  8. In what occasion do you 'uh' in public?
  9. Someone is holding a banana and and iPhone5 over the street on the 10th floor of a building. You can chose to save one, and you keep the one you saved. Be honest what would you do.
  10. A bananist is:
  11. Blabumblagborm

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Quiz topic: How good a Bananist am I?