How fun are you?

omg i cant believe i have to write 150 words just explaing this its so boring and oh my gosh im so bored hey i hope you gave fun taking the quiz and i hope you have a high score its ok if you dont get very high you can try again but if you take it be yourself not just because you think that is what a fun person would do and if you do that and your not a fun person you can use that as advice unless your shy well ill tell you about my self im kenzie and this is my first quiz i hope this is 150 words because i odnt feel like retyping it again and again!

are you fun if you really want to know then be yourself when you take this quiz not what you think a fun person would and like i said if you are not fun and your really boring and you want to stand out use this quiz for advice it will work i acrually used it on myself laugh out loud well i had to say that it wont let my type im haha so have fun

Created by: kenzie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your at a party at your friends house. Your crush is there and they want to play spin the bottle. Are you in?
  2. Its your turn on spin the bottle. You spin and it lands on your crush. Your in the closet for 7 minutes in heaven what do you do?
  3. what wood you rather do at a dance?
  4. Your in your room byyour self with your boyfirend he puts his arm around you..,you?
  5. you spend your saturday night?
  6. your in your class and the teacher just left you...
  7. your with your boyfriend at the movies and hes to shy to make the move you...
  8. what would you rather do
  9. your in the hallways after school and no ones around you..
  10. im running out of questions so pick one to improve your score

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Quiz topic: How fun am I?