How French are you?

There are lots of national, regional quizzes but this one is designed for English speakers who want to discover how French they really are. It contains linguistic, and cultural questions.

The creator of this quiz loves France and French people whose kindness, patience and generosity he has experienced over many years. Give this quiz a go and then plan a visit.

Created by: Bill Davice

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  1. Where is the Rive Gauche
  2. What was the full name and title of the Roi du Soleil
  3. What is Cassoulet?
  4. How long isa French fortnight?
  5. What is a Lycée?
  6. What is the Vendange?
  7. What is the "Brevet Blanc"?
  8. What is the autoroute speed limit when it is raining
  9. What do the letters RN stand for?
  10. What is the official French Franc to Euro exchange rate?

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Quiz topic: How French am I?