How do you view me?

Because of my insomnia issues, I'm up at night, and felt like prying into your head. It's always interesting to hear other people's view on me. Sometimes, it gives me a better, less biased outlook on myself. Other times, I just have to sit back and laugh my ass off. Whatever the case, it's always entertaining.

Do you think you have my exterior cracked? Do you think you know little things about me, everyday things others could only guess at? What type of girl have you imagined me to be? Or do you think you know me inside and out, every little expression on my face?

Created by: Nella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my favorite color or colors?
  2. What do I prefer to wear most?
  3. Do you think I'm insecure about my size?
  4. Who do you think I'll end up with?
  5. What is my favorite makeup product?
  6. What is my favorite scent?
  7. Do you think I am loyal?
  8. Am I a 'girly girl'?
  9. What is usually my favorite soda?
  10. Do you think I am impulsive?

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Quiz topic: How do I view me?