How do people feel about you?

Have you ever walked around school and wondered what people think of you? If so you can find out what kind of popularity you have.This quiz is very honest so beware it may be painful if you suck.

Are you loathed? Or are you ruling the school? find out!WARNING!!!: This quiz is very honest so beware it may be painful if you suck. Hope this quiz can help you discover your popularity!

Created by: Obsidiannewt
  1. You are in school and a new kid walks in and sits next to you. What would you do?
  2. Which Place would you rather eat at?
  3. How would you describe your self?
  4. what am i thinking about right now?
  5. What do you think about the Jonas brothers?
  6. What is your view on life?
  7. favorite color?
  8. View on violence?
  9. What would your choice of weapon be in a fight to the death?
  10. View on school?

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