How Dirty Is Your Mind?

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This is a quiz to see if you find these words dirty or not. Very short quiz. It's not that long. You most likey seen longer quizzes..and paragraphs. Bigger the better.

Part two coming soon. This is a quiz to see if you find these words dirty or not. Very short quiz. It's not that long. You most likey seen longer quizzes..and paragraphs. Bigger the better.

Created by: dannylover321
  1. Does the word "Coccyx" sound dirty to you?
  2. Does the word "Angina" sound wrong to you?
  3. Does the word "Rectory" sound wrong?
  4. Does the word "Depository" sound wrong?
  5. Does the word "Septum" sound wrong?

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Quiz topic: How Dirty Is my Mind?