How Dawn & Shawn educated are you?

There are many whom we each hold close to our hearts, and that number will only grow as we move further from our individual lives and closer to that joined life as a unit.

Part of our journey to that forever joined life together is the path we took to get here, to this moment. We've shared many moments together and with all those around us that we love... how many of those moments where you there for, or how many times where you the one with bended ear due to our excitement? This test will allow you to answer both of those questions above.

Created by: Dawn Clark

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where did Dawn and Shawn meet?
  2. What month did Dawn and Shawn meet and start dating?
  3. What activity did they have planned for their first date?
  4. Dawn dared Shawn to do something on their first date, what was it?
  5. For their first Christmas together Shawn got Dawn something black and white, what was it?
  6. What type of car was Shawn driving when he and Dawn started dating?
  7. On their first trip together where did they go?
  8. Where do Dawn and Shawn go for their anniversary every year?
  9. What is Shawn's favorite Disney movie?
  10. What is Dawn's favorite Disney movie?
  11. What animal did Dawn get Shawn for Christmas 2006?
  12. What was the first movie they watched together?
  13. What was the first professional sports team they went to see together?
  14. What is Dawn's favorite amusement park ride?
  15. What day did Shawn propose to Dawn?
  16. What is the couples favorite summertime evening activity?
  17. What area(s) of study did Dawn receive BA's in from UP?
  18. What Degree Certification is Shawn working on?
  19. What was the name of the Co-Ed outdoor soccer team that Dawn and Shawn played on together?
  20. What is the name of Dawn and Shawn's favorite restaurant to go to together?

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Quiz topic: How Dawn & Shawn educated am I?