How Cool Are You?? :P

Are You Cool Or Are You Not? Well Tae This Quiz To Find Out! It Tells You Out Of 100'/, of how cool you are. You Know Im Cool Beacuse I Made This Up So Yea!

Cool Is Like Your Popular, People Hang around you and want to be your friend. Geeky Is The Total Opposite, Like You Love School To Much! Its Ok What You Are!

Created by: Gemi0203

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Do You Do When You Have Spare Time?
  2. How Do You Dress?
  3. Whats Your Favourite Subject?
  4. How Many Poeple Do You Hang Out With? (PLEASE TELL THE TRUTH)
  5. How Much Do You Smile?
  6. How Would You Descrive Yourself?
  7. What Do You Love Eating?
  8. If A Boy/girl Asked You Out, He Was Really Cute But You Knew Your Friend Liked Him Alot. What Do You Do?
  9. How Do You Act At Home
  10. What Does You Name Start With?

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Quiz topic: How Cool am I?? :P