How Catholic are you?

There are Many Catholics but few that actually know all about the faith, and come to Mass on Holy days of Obligation. If you don't know a lot about Catholicism, check out our catechism, or talk to a parishioner.

Are you a true Roman Catholic, do you qualify for that wondrous church to be your home, if you want to know how catholic you are take this quiz, or read a catechism, try joining a parish, be baptized, the water is fine.

Created by: Albert
  1. Should Infants be baptized?
  2. What are the Sacraments
  3. What is the best form of church government?
  4. What should the church's world leader be called?
  5. What happens in Holy Communion?
  6. Intercession of the saints is
  7. what must we do to get to heaven?
  8. what do we use for doctrine?
  9. The Holy trinity is?
  10. Mary is

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Quiz topic: How Catholic am I?