How Benson Are You?

Many people are out there in the world. Only a few of them are true Bensons, can you see if you are a Benson, or are you a regular person? So, are you a Benson. Take this test to find out how Benson you are.

This game should only be played be the people who attend St. Thomas the Apostle School in New Jersey, otherwise, ou ain't gonna understand it. You also have to be in the 7th or 8th grade, to actually see if you are a true Benson.

Created by: Matthew Miller

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you have a BAHA?
  2. If someone on your left, called out your name, which way would you turn?
  3. You have just won $1 Trillion. What company would you invest it in?
  4. How many times do you say 'What?' in one day?
  5. If you could adopt one kid, where would you adopt them from?
  6. Someone has just given you a dog, what do you name it?
  7. What do you do in you spare time?
  8. Your attractive wife invites into bed, what do you do?
  9. Have you ever brutally murdered your children because they failed your worksheet?
  10. Where did you go to/Where do you want to go to Highschool?

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Quiz topic: How Benson am I?