How beaner are you?

Do you have what it takes to be a beaner? Well take my quiz to find out your true beaner? Hint: beaners are speacial spanish people that can do a lot of things.

So take my quiz and you can find out for yourself. Good luck and hope you pass. And just to let you know 85% or higher is good. And hope you do well on this quiz.

Created by: rickcota

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  1. Do you like to jump fences
  2. How fast can you run a 40- yard dash
  3. Whats your favorite spanish dish?
  4. Whats your favorite Achohol beverage?
  5. What job would you take?
  6. What type of girl would you date
  7. Favorite Sport?
  8. Favorite Shoes?
  9. Favorite fruit?
  10. Do you know what "viva la raca"?
  11. Who is your favorite comedian?
  12. If you hade kids what story would you tell them about you crossing the boreder?

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Quiz topic: How beaner am I?