How are you like Ethan?

If you know Ethan Washock, how about comparing you with him? If you don't, don't worry. We'll teach you the proper techniques about Ethan(Josh)Washock!

This quiz is created by Ethan Washock, and is sponsered by, which lets you creat your own quizzes, polls, surveys, and even view them.

Created by: Ethan Washock

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You wake up at:
  2. In the bathroom you...
  3. You begin the day by...
  4. When you are sick during a Wii event, you
  5. You like....
  6. On a scale from 1-5, you give reading a...
  7. You like...
  8. You...
  9. You dislike...
  10. You lay...

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Quiz topic: How am I like Ethan?