Hoow well do you know Nightwhisper?

I made a song the other day :3 It goes something likke this :D Derp derp dep. Le derp derpsy derp. derpy derpsy derp, derply derp derp derp. That concludes my fail of a song XD

So.....How well do you know me? Well, Take this quiz and find out! You will either pass, or fail, it depends on how strong your awesomeness it. Of course, mine it totally awesomer than everyone elses...but not as high as Prussia's awesomeness o.o

Created by: Sam
  1. Alright, I'll start you out with easy questions. What is my favorite color?
  2. Are you sure? Okay, second question...when did I join HL? >:3
  3. My first warrior cat Roleplay name?
  4. Who is my sister in Real Life?
  5. My star sign xD If you know me well, you should know I like to make it known to people by shouting it in friends' faces XD
  6. My favorite anime?
  7. Where am I from?
  8. Favorite Food
  9. My personal Nickname
  10. My name in Real life?
  11. My best friend on HL
  12. Do I drink Soda?
  13. Why did I make this quiz?
  14. My favorite Music?
  15. Favorite Animal?
  16. Do I have a Hedgie RP?

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Quiz topic: Hoow well do I know Nightwhisper?