Hogwarts love story

MY QUIZ IS AWSOME!!!!!! I really hope people will like this quiz because this is my very first quiz so im a bit nervoes.ok so there is draco Malfoy, harry potter,and lots of others

yes I think I am a genis at this quiz because I had some very specialhelp from my friend Malfoy Gal.this quiz will make me a better person, well atleast at this very moment.

Created by: Green Apples
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in your third year! As you sit down in your compartment you relies that harry and draco walk by arguing. Your reactions are:
  2. They come in your compartment(still fighting)! they stop fighting as soon as they see you. Harry walks away and Draco sits down next to you looking embaresd.Your reactions are:
  3. In a soft voice you say "hi", but unfortally Draco herd you. He suprising says "hi" back to you."Im sorry for what me and potter where doing!" You think:
  4. Nevill and Ron followed oliver wood to the back of the train. As you follow them one of your shoelaces came lose and you triped and fell.Before you hit the ground Harry caught you. As Harry pulled you up he kissed you right on the check. Right after that Harry ran to catch up to Oliver. Your reactions are:
  5. As you get to Hogwarts you bump into Fred weasly who askes you to meet him after potions class tomorrow at the black lake. You respond:
  6. As you go to the black lake you think why Fred wanted to meet you at the black lake.Your thoughts are: if this didn't happen press didn't happen
  7. As you wait for Fred a giant tenticall came out of the lake and grabbed you and pulled you under!!!!!
  8. When Fred sees you he dives in the lake and grabs your hand a pulls you up to the surface. When your head breaks the surface you thank Fred with a salty kiss on the cheek. If this didn't happen click DIDEN'T HAPPEN
  9. sorry I don't know what the next question should so.....what is your favorite
  10. please rate my quizzes. so did you like my first quiz?

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