High school crush machine

This is the starting quiz to a new series I am going to make. It will involve crushes, drama, high school, and so much more that you will really enjoy reading.

This story quiz is based on an actual life, which is mine this year. I will update it everyday, as long as I can. I hope you'll enjoy this and that you will come back and read my second one.

Created by: Rainicorn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. My mom yelled at me to wake up. I was exhausted because I was so excited for school I couldn't go to sleep. I gasped. It's the first day of school! I realized. I popped up out of bed and went to eat breakfast. After my breakfast was done, I got ready for school and waited a couple minutes for my step dad to drive me to school.
  2. When I arrive at school, I go to y homeroom cllass. When I saw.my best friend, she was already running at me squealing that we had homeroom together. She gave me a huge bear hug then we compared schedules. I figured we had no classes together because we are on a different academic level, but I checked it anyway. As I thought, we had none. She frowned and we went to sit down. Our homeroom teacher came in and announced that our homeroom will be held in the auditorium from then on so we all gathered what little items we had and went across the hall and into the auditorium. We got several papers that needed to be filled out, and the teacher tried to guess our names (he failed! xD) When the bell rang for us to go to first period, I realized that I had no idea where my class was. Luckily I put the school map in the front of my binder, so I used that to manuever around. When I walked into my first period, I knew right then and there that I had to be one of the few, if not the only freshman in that class.
  3. The bell rang and my first period began. My teacher, Mrs. Garland, introduced herself to the class and explained what geometry honors was all about. She handed us papers, then told us we could talk amongst ourselves for the last ten minutes of class. I looked around, sophomores surrounded me, and I had never talked to any of these people before. I sat there, just looking around for the rest of class awkwardly as everyone else explained their summer to their friends.
  4. The bell rang, and as quickly as I could, I raced to the door then slowly started to find my second period. When I walked in, there were only a few people in there, all of which I didn't know. I decided to sit in around the middle of the room, and silently sat as I observed my new classmates. One by one, they came in the door and took a seat. When the bell finally rang, I turned to the front and waited as my teacher gave us papers to he filled out. The teacher went on and on about what the class was about and how important it is to do our work. When she finally finished, she put as in a seating chart. When she called my name, I was in the first row, then she called the next personn who sat behind me, the the next one began the next row and so on and so forth. I dreaded where I was sitting. Of all the eight seats surrounded me, six were guys and the cologne smell was overwhelming! When the bell rang for third period, I walked out of the room and smelled a breath of freash air.
  5. I walked up the stairs of the school and turned around every hallway possible until I found my classroom. The teacher looked familiar, and the last name also one I had heard before. I popped a squat in a random place and watched as people would enter the room cautiously as if they hadn't a clue if they were in the right room. The moment one of my other best friends walked in, I pointed to the seat behind me and yelled at her to sit down. She was the first person in any of my classes that I had already known. I was relieved to know at least one person in my classes! She pulled out her schedule and so did I, then we compared them. We had third (of course) and fourth together. I was so excited to know that I had another class where I knew someone already. When the bell for class to begin rang, the teacher, Mrs. Chambers, came in and welcomed us to her class. She did as any other tacher and gave us papers then described her class and why it is important. Every teacher was beginning to sound the same. I zoned in and out as I remembered my crush from last year. So far I had no classes with him, but he did say hi to me in the hall on my way to third period. Brfore I knew it, we were on our way to fourth period.
  6. I walked into my fourth period and my best friennd followed. Another good friend of ours walked in, and sat with us. As class began, it was very apparent to me that the room was freezing cold! I shivered and rubbed my bare arms trying to warm up. This teacher was a bit different than the others, he had a fun side to him! He handed out not so much paper and he did tell us about the class, he just made it more fun. The bell for fifth period ran, and we all scrambled to the door and shuffled out.
  7. My fifth period was Spanish! I walked into the classroom and noticed a boy that was also in my previous two classes. What alk do we have together? I asked him. We compared schedules and found out that we had no more together. The teacher, Mrs. McElvain, was talking to us in a bit of spanish, and I wish I could understand, but I couldn't. The class was pretty slow and she, like all the other teachers, handed us papers and explained what her class was about. My stomach growled as the clock neared lunch time. Second by second I watched the clock, ready to get to lunch. Suddenly a thought came to me. Who would I sit with at lunch? Where would I sit? I worried as the clocked got closer and closer to lunch time until finally the bell rang.
  8. I shuffled to the cafeteria and luckily, one of my best friends, Jacie, and our friend, Leslie had saw me and wanted to sit with me. We sat diwn and other freshman came by and sat with us. For my first day at high school, I sure did eat like a pig! Then we made our way to our sixth period.
  9. My sixth perios was art. I sat down at a table, all by my lonesome self, just waiting. I hoped someone I knew would be in my class but I had no such luck. Some seniors came in and sat with me at my table. At first, I was a littke shocked because I thought they would be rude, but fortunately they treated me with respect and were very nice people. My art teacher also did as every other teacher did, so yet again I zoned out. The senior to my right was kinda cute, but I kept that to myself. When the bell for the last period of the day rang, I hopped up and exited real quickly
  10. My seventh period teacher was very laid back. She didn't go on and on about her class. Instead she let us hang out and talk, and she explained some things we would talk about this semester. (It's a semester class) When the bell for school to end rang, I was so excited and happy, for I survived my first day of high school.

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